PQView 4.24 is Now Available to Download

We are pleased to announce that the latest version of PQView 4 and related components has been released and is available for download here.

The highlights we are most excited to share include:

    • Added Statistical Channel support in Data Logs.
    • Support for Site Groups based site selection added to the PQDR Scheduler and PQWeb PQDR UI.
    • Updated charting engines for both static and interactive charts.
    • Multiple improvements to ION Protocol and SEL data handlers.
    • Resolved an issue with Dranetz and SATEC meters that could result in a dead-lock and/or excessive error logging.
    • Provided stopgap solution for systems larger than 1000 meters.

Click here to download PQView 4.24.00 and associated documentation.


The Electrotek Team


Release Notes
Version: 4.24
Date: 2024.07


  • [FIX] PQV-2659: PQDR Schedule Pattern trigger lastExecution null value replacement refactored. Changing triggers causes Last Execution Time reset.
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2655: Custom EN50160 PQDR Report generator for ElektroCelje
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2654: PQDR Scheduler: support for generating separate site/interval documents by same schedule.
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2538: PQDR DOCX generator styling application improvements
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2643: Localization->Paper size preference added; Manually or automatically (A4/Letter, based on locale and CDLR 45 rules) selected and used in reporting engine
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2648: EN50160 report – multi interval site charts component implementation
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2648: EN50160 report – single/multi interval site events summary component implementation
  • [FIX] PQDIFNet – Reading PQDIF file from memory marshaling fixed
  • [FIX] PQV-2623: PQDR EN50160 reports – passed weeks marked as missing issue fixed
  • [FIX] PQV-2615: Event RMS charts Y axis min value fixed
  • [FIX] PQV-2613: Missing phasors fixed for waveforms with different sample rates.
  • [FIX] PQV-2613: Phase angle wrapping fixed for the interactive Phasor diagram – data values are in [0°, 360°] range used by the charting engine while display labels are in [-180°, 180°] range
  • [FIX] PQV-2614: Line gap threshold limit to 1s removed from RMS-only events
  • [FIX] PQV-2385: PQViewExpress PQDR Scheduler licensing issue fixed
  • [FIX] PQV-2565: PQDR DOCX report site names starting with number / XML element ID naming issue fixed
  • [FIX] SUPPORT-999: PQDR GetLog works with running reports (file locking issue fix)
  • [FIX] SUPPORT-993: PQView3Update.sql – Trigger updates refactored – no errors displayed in databases without “Fault” table
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2530 Upgraded Gigasoft charting engine library to 9.0.38
  • [FIX] Fix a issue with derived charts and pivots
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2498 Add Line-Line values event preprocessing functionality added.
  • [FIX] PQV-2571: SiteGroups / PropertyFilters issues fix: Site does not need to have any properties defined to be used in [Site] table-only filters
  • [FEATURE] SUPPORT-990: Additional License deserialization issues logging added
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2571: Colombian SSPD & CREG report implementation
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2571: Event timestamp sub-millisecond handling improved
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2571: Event List query – support for filtering datalog threshold events by trigger channel added
  • [FIX] PQV-2571: 10 minute datalog aggregation boundary issue fixed
  • [FIX] SUPPORT-615: Impedance model loaders – model tree building fixes simple / parallel loop directivity
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2581: Add-in libraries and dependencies can be loaded from the executing assembly root path subfolders
  • [FEATURE] PQV-1105: Add-in for dynamic registering of Oracle Managed Data Access Client implemented
  • [FEATURE] SUPORT-916: Adding support for handling ODBC connections
  • [FIX] PQV-2648: EN50160 compliance definition fixed (Vf and VRMS mutli-criteria parameter index values)


  • [FIX] PQV-2649: Statistic channel datalogs -harmonic selector issue fix
  • [FIX] PQWEB-959: Resolved issue with data log interactive charts refresh, page now redirects to datalogs instead of showing error page.
  • [FIX] PQV-2659: PQWeb PQDR Schedules page and Schedule page Last execution time displayed using current user’s short date+time format
  • [FIX] PQWEB-1228: Fixed the issue with PQWeb UI not correctly displaying the selected Instances. Default value selection is also fixed and will read data from session.
  • [FIX]PQWEB-1218: site groups selection is restored on page reload or redirect.
  • [FIX]PQWEB-1235: site selector and site group issue fixed.
  • [FIX] PQV-2652: Datalog page chart date range synced exactly selected range – user’s timezone offset issue fixed
  • [FIX] PQWEB-1234: Fixed host URL issue nae with trailing slashes.
  • [FIX]-PQWEB-1233, PQWEB-1232: Disabled empty report component when no report is available. Added site-group selector to report component.
  • [FIX] PQWEB-1218: Site group selection updating sites and not retaining selected value on refresh fixed.
  • [FIX] PQWEB-727: Fixed the dropdown size of site list dropdown to use the maximum available viewport space.
  • [FIX]PQWEB-1205: Fixed monitor page UI Issues including misplaced footer, double refresh symbol and disabling select All button on refresh start.
  • [FEATURE]PQWEB-1228: added Statistical Channel support in Data Logs.
  • [FIX] PQV-2533: Fixed all the absolute links with url links.
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2593: Support for Site Groups based site selction added to the PQDR scheduler and PQWeb UI
  • [FIX]PQWEB-959: Missing DerviedOptions.js issue fixed
  • [FIX] PQWEB-939: Fixed issue with the data logs formats dropdown not restoring user selection.
  • [FIX] PQWEB-1217: Highcharts updated to version 11.1.0
  • [FIX] PQWEB-1215: Fixed all the missing styles and css issues in Express and DE style-sheets.
  • [FIX] PQWEB-1190: added prompts for data removal. Data tabs retain active status. Page will be auto refreshed after displaying success message displayed.
  • [FIX] PQV-969 – User preferences: prevent skip parsing/saving column preferences with all elements deselected


  • [FIX] Eliminated ambiguous use of property name in Monitor System setups that caused issues for PQWeb when only a single Monitor was in a Monitor Systems list (e.g., PQDIF File Importer). This resulted in the “mapped name” (Site name) not being displayed if only a single source Monitor was in the list.
  • [FIX] SUPPORT-1068: Corrected potential thread dead-lock in the Monitor connection failure notification and logging logic.
  • [FIX] Corrected a persist version issue with the Dranetz 61000, Dranetz HDQP, and SATEC instrument handlers. Essentially the stored version number was not updated to reflect changes made in the 4.20 release. This results in data source records being rebuilt on each startup which significantly increases startup time and creating potential stall conditions in systems with large numbers of these Monitors.
  • [FIX] SUPPORT-1047: Added additional checking for a Site with a 0 ID. This ensures that new Sites can be bound to a Monitor.
  • [FIX]Added Excel File Definition Default Document.
  • [FEATURE][SUPPORT-1047]Added SQL Script and Command to repair databases with a Site with a 0 ID value.
  • [FIX] Removed invalid and unecssary test for an empty bank select list (it always had at least one element)
  • [FIX] PQV-2662: Improved polling scheduling logic for montitor classes that do not send settings to remote systems (e.g., a database, PQDIF POF,)- manual poll is no longer required.
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2647 Added PQDIF support to IEC61850 handler and ability to bypass “rcdmade” node-download whenever poll is clicked.
  • [FIX] SUPPORT-1051 – PQube handler – Proxy fields initialization improved
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2651: FaultPoint notifications – waveform chart attachments added to all notification types
  • [FIX] PQV-2650: FaultPoint notifications – LL subsets not displayed in RMS charts of Y connected meters
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2376 SEL Handler – Users can now toggle on to ignore LDP’s to download or not.
  • [FIX] Data manager format caching improved
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2592 Data Manager – support for per-phase frequency channels improved
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2375 SEL datahandler: COI imported as value type and EOI as Count/Count in range 1
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2592 ION handler – support for enabling per-phase frequency channels download
  • [FEATURE] ION Handler logging improved
  • [FIX] PQV-2619 Ion no longer constantly scans for changing wire-type, voltage, frequency – once its found and valid it is set and not rechecked until reload of configuration.
  • [FEATURE] IEC61850 datahandler: improved poll cancellation
  • [FIX] PQV-2646 – Deactivating/activating thread management issue fixed.
  • [FIX] PQV-2298 -Configure/request ticket/request job threading management refactored in order to prevent thread issues
  • [FIX] PQV-2298 – Threading issue fixed by implementing atomic approach which works better when reading/writing from more than one thread
  • [FIX] PQV-2626 Case sensitivity issue with PQDIF import move functionality fixed.
  • [FIX] PQV-2598 – SEL Handler RTAC/GATEWAY manager redesign: Gateway MAC matching issue fixed
  • [FIX] PQV-2598 – SEL Handler RTAC/GATEWAY manager redesign: Gateway Telnet authentication issue fixed
  • [FIX] PQV-2598 – SEL Handler RTAC/GATEWAY manager redesign: Gateway pass-through error message implemented
  • [FIX] PQV-2444 – PQube connection issues fixed
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2621 Old ION handlers are no longer allowed to be added:
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2598 – SEL Handler RTAC/GATEWAY manager redesign: passive and router modes are now supported using new connection mediator way.
  • [FEATURE] SSH Pass-through code reworked to work with mediator
  • [FEATURE] Added cancel connection code for instruments to set there connection status too if they detect a cancel and want to see the error message canceled instead of failed.
  • [FIX] Improved ION-> Get Config error handling
  • [FIX] ION connection logging improved
  • [FIX] Instrument manager UI: blank bank selects now allowed (PQWeb issues prevented)
  • [FEATURE] SEL task cancellation improved
  • [FIX] SSH connection handling improved
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2598 – SEL Handler RTAC/GATEWAY manager redesign: Socket stream state monitoring improved
  • [FEATURE] “Canceling” label displayed upon clicking cancel button on a monitor.should not reflect disconnecting as it will not goto that operation.
  • [FEATURE] ION waveform download will resume even if datalog download has failed
  • [FIX] ION user entered register values handling improved
  • [FIX] Connection management issue caused by changes to communications made by the Instrument instance were not detected by the Instrument Manage fixed
  • [FEATURE]PQV-2594: Limited the Site List site for Fault Point notifications.
  • [FEATURE]PQV-2594: Limited the Site List size for Event and Data Log Event Notifications
  • [FEATURE]PQV-2591: Added Site Group filtering to the Site Selection for Data Log, Event, and Fault Point notification rules.
  • [FEATURE]PQV-2594: Added Site Name filtering to the Data Remove and Data Characterizer pages to support databases with more than 1000 sites.
  • [FEATURE]PQV-1045: Added Text File Importer.
  • [FEATURE] PQDMS – libssh is now statically linked in DMS builds
  • [FEATURE] PQDMS – SEL Handler debug logging options refactored
  • [FIX] Thread Manager locking issue (deadlock prevention) fixed
  • [FEATURE] SUPPORT-916: CYMDIST impedance model importer – support for loading switching device status and details added (LoadSwitchingDevicesStatus=1); Shortcut for disabling OPEN checks for all switchable devices added (IgnoreAllSwitchingDevices=1); Sections array building refactored
  • [FEATURE]PQV-2286 – BC Hydro SysEvents Database Event Correlator Support added.
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2585: SYNERGI impedance provider: Database provider selectable via “Synergi_DatabaseProvider” and “SynergiFault_DatabaseProvider” INI file keys
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2583: Impedance loader cancellation mechanism added; CYMDIST/PQRecordset support for CancellationToken added
  • [FEATURE]PQV-1043. Added Excel File Site importer.
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2579: Support for provider-specific TableExists() SQL building method implemented; PQV-2580: MonarchOSI correlation checks if PG table / MSSQL monthly views exist prior to querying.
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2580: MonarchOSI federated source: PgSQL connection support added; DbProviderRegistrationNpgSQL implemented
  • [FEATURE] PQDMS – libssh was updated to v 0.10.90
  • [FEATURE] PQV-2569, PQV-2568: CYME impedance source support for adding “_DatabaseProvider” keys for network and equip databases added.Initial implementation of 3rd party DbProviderFactory types registration added
  • [FEATURE] PQV-1105: Support for custom database provider added to CYME importer
  • [FIX] SUPPORT-916: CYMDISTModel site properties update issue (lines object null) fix; Virtual feeder separation issue fixed
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