PQView 3.84 Released

PQView 3.84 is available for download. This version includes more than 90 changes that result in improvements in all components of the PQView application, including the installation program, charting engine, SQL Server scripts, database template, PQView Database Library, PQView Launcher. PQView Agent, Power Quality Data Manager (PQDM), and Power Quality Data Analyzer (PQDA).

Here are some highlights:

Custom Digital and Analog Channels: Previous versions of PQView could import only 4096 custom channels or digital channels. In this version, PQDM can support import of more than 16 million unique digital channels from COMTRADE files into a single PQView database. Additionally, PQView can support more than 16 million custom analog channels from arbitrary channels in PQDIF data sources.

Better Data Source Coordination: We improved the method used for adding events to the PQView database that will allow two or more data sources to import measurements into the same database without colliding.
New Support for General Data Logs from IEEE PQDIF Files: You can now import general channels from PQDIF files. These are channels that are not mapped to other PQView channels under voltage, current, power, or energy, or temperature channels.

New Support for Importing Data Logs from Dranetz Digital DataNodes: You can now download and import data log measurements from Dranetz Digital DataNodes.

New Fault Analysis Chart: We added a new chart to create a scatter chart of estimated XTF versus actual XTF.

New Label for Points per Cycle: We added a new label in the spectrum chart derived in the PQ Event Roll for the number of points per cycle in the selected waveform. The label shows the acronym “PPC”.

Easier SQL Server Connections: We added a new checkbox to connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication. In previous versions of PQView, you needed to know to leave the user name field blank to connect to SQL Server using a trusted connection.

Improved Installation of Add-in Modules: PQView Launcher will now relaunch itself with administrator privilege when installing add-in modules if it is not already running as an administrator.

Enhanced SQL Server Script: The script that is installed with PQView 3 to create a PQView database was improved. It has checks to prevent the script from being run on existing PQView databases. Lookup records are added automatically to various tables including the Channel table, which means that PQDM is no longer needed to complete the creation of the new database.

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