Electrotek Concepts, Inc. is founded in Mountain View, California by William “Bud” Miles, Thomas Reddoch, and Larry Markel. Their focus is to create an engineering services company focused on demand side management. Bud is based in California, while Tom and Larry are in Knoxville. Many of their research contracts are with Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
Electrotek History
Electrotek History
Continued enhancements to PQView 4 include the release of an IEC 61850 interface and the development of multiple new data sources for direct support of meters and databases from major meter manufacturers.
Electrotek launches a new, modern modern, responsive web site.
Electrotek introduces a 64-bit version of PQView 4 for data collection to support the ever-increasing number of devices at customer facilities.
Electrotek introduces a suite of PQView SDK’s (Software Development Kit) for end user development & integration.
PQView DE is introduced, replacing Encore Series Software (ESS). PQView DE is the Dranetz-only edition of PQView Express for use with Dranetz-fixed monitoring systems.
PQView.com Acquires 3,000th Registered User. PQView.com is the information and support portal for PQView users.
PQView 4 development begins in collaboration with funder organizations and utilities.
Nuremberg, Germany-based Gossen Metrawatt acquires WPT and all subsidiaries. WPT is renamed Global Power Technology (GPT).
Electrotek releases Encore Series Software (ESS) for the Dranetz-BMI Encore Series System.
Electrotek releases PQWeb, a web browser-enabled interface to PQView 3.
Electrotek & Dranetz-BMI Introduce Signature System web browser-based Power Quality Monitoring System.
Electrotek’s parent company, World Power Technologies (WPT) acquires Dranetz Technologies and Daytronic Corporation. BMI and Dranetz merge to become Dranetz-BMI.
Electrotek & Dranetz-BMI start a joint development project for Signature System – the first web browser-based Power Quality Monitoring System (PQMS). Electrotek designs the InfoNode software and AnswerModules. Dranetz-BMI designs the 5571 and 5530/20 DataNode networked PQ instruments.
Electrotek is contracted by EPRI to develop the Power Quality Data Interchange Format (PQDIF). PQDIF is ultimately specified in IEEE Std 1159.3, and is used to exchange voltage, current, power, and energy measurements between software applications.
Electrotek is the principal investigator for a project from the US Department of Energy to research ways to utilize the Internet in the electric power utility industry. This project develops the basic principles ultimately used in web-based electric power measurement information systems, such as the Dranetz Signature System, Encore Series Software, and PQWeb.
Electrotek merges with Basic Measurement Instruments (BMI), forming World Power Technologies (WPT) as the parent holding company.
PQView 1.0 is released to manage and visualize the large volumes of data produced by the EPRI DPQ project
Monitoring begins at 223 monitoring sites across the country for the EPRI DPQ Project using BMI PQNode 8010’s and PASS software. Electrotek manages the collection and “sterilization” of data from 27 electric utility companies throughout the United States for the DPQ Project.
Electrotek is awarded a $5M project from the EPRI with Basic Measuring Instruments (BMI) for the EPRI Distribution Power Quality (DPQ) Project. Electrotek begins development of BMI’s PQNode Application and System Software (PASS).
Monitoring begins at 223 monitoring sites across the country for the EPRI DPQ Project using BMI PQNode 8010’s and PASS software. Electrotek manages the collection and “sterilization” of data from 27 electric utility companies throughout the United States for the DPQ Project.
PQView 1.0 is released to manage and visualize the large volumes of data produced by the EPRI DPQ project
Electrotek merges with Basic Measurement Instruments (BMI), forming World Power Technologies (WPT) as the parent holding company.
Electrotek is the principal investigator for a project from the US Department of Energy to research ways to utilize the Internet in the electric power utility industry. This project develops the basic principles ultimately used in web-based electric power measurement information systems, such as the Dranetz Signature System, Encore Series Software, and PQWeb.
Electrotek is contracted by EPRI to develop the Power Quality Data Interchange Format (PQDIF). PQDIF is ultimately specified in IEEE Std 1159.3, and is used to exchange voltage, current, power, and energy measurements between software applications.
Electrotek & Dranetz-BMI start a joint development project for Signature System – the first web browser-based Power Quality Monitoring System (PQMS). Electrotek designs the InfoNode software and AnswerModules. Dranetz-BMI designs the 5571 and 5530/20 DataNode networked PQ instruments.
Electrotek’s parent company, World Power Technologies (WPT) acquires Dranetz Technologies and Daytronic Corporation. BMI and Dranetz merge to become Dranetz-BMI.
Electrotek & Dranetz-BMI Introduce Signature System web browser-based Power Quality Monitoring System.
Electrotek releases PQWeb, a web browser-enabled interface to PQView 3.
Electrotek releases Encore Series Software (ESS) for the Dranetz-BMI Encore Series System.
Nuremberg, Germany-based Gossen Metrawatt acquires WPT and all subsidiaries. WPT is renamed Global Power Technology (GPT).
PQView 4 development begins in collaboration with funder organizations and utilities.
PQView.com Acquires 3,000th Registered User. PQView.com is the information and support portal for PQView users.
PQView DE is introduced, replacing Encore Series Software (ESS). PQView DE is the Dranetz-only edition of PQView Express for use with Dranetz-fixed monitoring systems.
Electrotek introduces a suite of PQView SDK’s (Software Development Kit) for end user development & integration.
Electrotek introduces a 64-bit version of PQView 4 for data collection to support the ever-increasing number of devices at customer facilities.
Continued enhancements to PQView 4 include the release of an IEC 61850 interface and the development of multiple new data sources for direct support of meters and databases from major meter manufacturers.