Category Archives: News

PQView and FaultPoint at Hydro Ottawa

PQView and FaultPoint were featured in a recent article in T&D World Magazine entitled “Power Quality Monitoring Provides Additional Value“. It was cowritten by Mark Wojdan of Hydro Ottawa and Daniel Sabin of Electrotek Concepts. It describes how Hydro Ottawa’s central power quality program improves asset reliability while generally lowering operating and maintenance expenses.

PQView 3.84 Released

PQView 3.84 is available for download. This version includes more than 90 changes that result in improvements in all components of the PQView application, including the installation program, charting engine, SQL Server scripts, database template, PQView Database Library, PQView Launcher. PQView Agent, Power Quality Data Manager (PQDM), and Power Quality Data Analyzer (PQDA). Here are […]

May 2017 PQView Newsletter Published

The May 2017 PQView Users Group newsletter is available to download. It has the following stories: 2017 North American PQView Users Group Preview 2017 Asian PQView Users Group Meeting Announcement 2016 North American PQView Users Group Recap Shapefiles Support PQView 3.83.0 New Employee Annoucement User #3000 on New Logo for Electrotek PQView Road Show […]

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